Action stations! Registration opens soon
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Dear all
Team London has been busy!
Interbourse 2025 contracts are signed and now it is time for some deposits and hotel choices from you. Well done to everyone who pre-registered, your enthusiasm was amazing. Over 130 of you showed your support!
Those of you fast enough to have pre-registered in the top 56 – you will be getting your invoices with a €50 discount today but to maintain your discount you must pay by the 10th May.
The Under 30s that pre-registered will also receive their somewhat larger discount invoice this week. For budgeting purposes we have allocated 25 discounts for under 30s and once those spaces are filled and paid for we will then consider each new under 30s application on a case by case basis. This responds to sponsor and other feedback that discounts should target industry focussed people.
For everyone else on the pre-registration list you will be invoiced at the normal registration rate (but if anyone drops out from the 56 and you are at the top of the queue you will get a credit in due course if you pay before 10th May).
Payments can be made direct to Momentum’s Euro Account in Italy, by credit card using a Revolut system, or by phone for non-UK Amex cards.
Official Registration will then open on 14th May and all participants will need to register this way so get your photographs ready. Nicola and Tiffany will be scrutinising this as before so be prepared to send a bona fide photo or they will be knocking on your door!
All those that pre-registered will be given sneaky access to live registration if they pay before the 10th May!
Your Captains have seen a list of our preferred hotels, and this selection is now available to view on the Hotels page. For now, just browse the hotels and decide where you want to stay! Hotel and room selection will be available through the official registration link.
The Grand Hotel Courmayeur is going to be the Interbourse Exclusive Hotel – that is to say that we plan to fill all the rooms. That means we will have the shuttle buses to ourselves, free parking, just Interbourse people in the spa – and two major events there at least! It’s a fabulous hotel as anyone who stayed there last time can tell you! Please consider coming to stay with us there – there are 68 rooms so we hope as many other teams as possible will join us.
We expect to be sending more updates very soon confirming both new and old activities for the busy program we have planned.
Kind regards from The London Committee